Wellness Wednesday
It looks like I've come down with another terrible cold, just as Emma is getting well from hers. That's always how it seems to happen around here.
I've been using my Neti pot (this exact one, actually) in the morning and before bed since Sunday. It is helping some, so I'm hoping I won't have to make an appointment with my doctor; but it's looking like I may have to make that appointment in the next day or two, as my ears sound like they're filled with crackling Rice Krispies and my throat is starting to hurt when I swallow. Boo.
So if you happen to see me around or talk to me on the phone, I apologize for my ridiculous nasal tone. I really am trying to get better. It'll go away, even if I have to buck up and go to the doctor and get medicine to make that happen.
If you see me this time next week and I still sound like this, you have my permission to tell me the following: