Monday, October 6, 2008

Big week

OK, so I know I haven't blogged in a long time. I'm sorry. I just haven't felt like it. Have you ever felt that way?

Here's what's happening with us, briefly: Chris still works at Technicolor, I still stay home with Emma, Emma is still growing like a weed, and Norbert is still fuzzy and cute.

Chris's college roommate came to visit recently for a few days. Emma loves "Uncle" Andy. She had so much fun when he was here.

I'm working on getting pictures of Emma with her friends so I can make a new Shutterfly book. Here are some of my favorites so far.

This week is a big week. We leave for Indiana early on Thursday morning. Thus Emma's doing a pre-make-up dance class Monday afternoon, since her normal class is on Thursday mornings. We have My Buddy and Me class on Tuesday morning. I need to do lots of laundry and pack early because I'm going to the New Kids on the Block concert with a friend on Wednesday night. So, big week and I'm a little stressed, but it will be fine.

That's all for now. More later.

Funny Emma quote of the day: (while playing, seemingly out of nowhere) "I love chicken parmesan!"

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