Monday, November 4, 2013

Dear Halloween candy

Dear Tootsie Rolls,
You are Emma's favorite candy. So I will not pilfer you from her candy stash.

Dear Reese's Cups,
You are in danger of being eaten quickly. By any one of the 3 of us in this house.

Dear Lemon Heads,
You disgust me. You'll probably still be in the candy jar this time next year.

Dear Twix,
I would love you more if you were of the peanut butter variety, but that kind is almost impossible to find. I still love your brother, caramel.
What is this Twix java?? Where can I get one of those?!?!
Dear Kit Kat,
I know there is a full sized version of you in the candy jar. I know where you are. If you are still there two days from now, you will be mine.

Dear Smarties,
I have always loved you. I'll probably be hiding several of you in my purse so I can find you from time to time. What a lovely "surprise."

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