Monday, June 10, 2013

Dear Monday

Dear summer break,
I'm not used to you yet, so you've totally thrown off my routine.

Dear exploding flavored water,
At first when you exploded your red-ness up the wall and onto the ceiling in my kitchen, I was upset (just ask Emma ... or, better yet, please don't). But now that I've had time to process, you have inspired us to go ahead and paint the kitchen, which we needed to do anyway.

Dear rainy and overcast sky,
You are deceptively sneaky. You hid the sun from me, but I ended up with a [slight] sunburn anyway. Touché, my friend.

Dear yard sale preparation,
You are annoying, but worth it.

*As a side note, our housing addition is having a community yard sale starting at 8 a.m. Saturday, June 22. If you are in the area, you should definitely swing by. The sale at our house will have lots of girl clothes (4T-size S), ladies' clothes, big and tall men's clothes (size 6XL), electronics, housewares, a set of golf clubs, and much more. FYI.

Dear Coke Icee,
You are delicious. That is all.

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