Friday, June 28, 2013

Freestyle Friday: Pet Peeves Edition

pet′ peeve′ n. a continual source of personal annoyance

How about when you are in a restaurant and someone has a toddler with them and they are letting said monster run around and lay on the floor and be disruptive making it difficult for you to not pay attention to him (because shouldn't someone be paying attention to this kid?) and then the ankle biter falls down and hurts himself and screams and cries for like 10 minutes, for instance? Drives me banana sandwich.

Poor grammar. It riles up the word nerd in me. For example:

  • you're (you are)/your (belonging to you)
  • then (relates to time)/than (comparison)
  • there (in that place)/their (belonging to them)/they're (they are)
  • it's (it is)/its (belonging to it)
  • alot (NOT a word)

When people don't respect my personal space. I hate it. The worst is when I'm in line at Walmart, Kroger, or some other such place... PLEASE stop hitting the back of my ankles with your cart.

Oh, I have more. But I'll save those for some other time.

What are your pet peeves?

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