Thursday, August 15, 2013

3 Thoughts Thursday

1. This weather is wacko.
I mean, seriously; it's mid-August and I'm wearing jeans and a sweatshirt. I'm not complaining, just saying.

2. I love stationery and office supplies.
One of my favorite parts of back-to-school time is shopping for school supplies. Always has been. When I was younger, I'd go to Walmart and always come back with at least one new pen or writing utensil of some type. It used to drive my mom crazy. A pen that writes well makes me happy.
When I saw a commercial for this new pen called Inkjoy, I HAD to get one. Or 3. Whatevs.
3. I find cross-stitch very relaxing.
I'm working on a new cross-stitch piece. This is the pattern:
I found it on Pinterest.

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