Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Wednesday: Where am I?

I am having a powdered donut breakfast with Emma before her second day of 2nd grade.

I am making Emma's lunch for school. She wasn't interested in today's school lunch meal choices. Going the easy route (per Emma's choice): Lunchable.

I am at work. Two hours is a long time if you don't have much to do. I could go for a snack right now...

I am freezing my tush off. In August. #smh

I am going to Walmart. Lots of stuff to get after being away for 7 days; and I can never seem to remember everything, even with a list. This is my 4th trip to Wally World since we got back. (That's 4 trips since we got back on Sunday evening. You do the math.)

I am catching up on DVR stuff.  It must be done. ;)

I am excited to hear about Emma's day at school. Love that little punkin head!

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