Monday, September 2, 2013

Dear Monday: Star Wars Day

Dear Monday,
Thanks for being a holiday, meaning neither Big Daddy nor I had to work; nor did Emma have school. So what did we do? Go to a museum to see a Star Wars exhibit.

Dear Indiana State Museum,
Your Star Wars exhibit was so cool. I enjoyed being allowed to nerd out and not feel like a weirdo because I was with my own kind. We were all nerds together. Emma and I got our picture taken with Han Solo. :) And Emma got her photo taken with several other Star Wars characters and memorabilia. So. Cool.
Jedi Emma

Yoda is wicked good at the staring contest.

"Help me, Obi Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope."
Yeah, I went there.

You can see all the photos Big Daddy took here.

Dear L.S. Ayers Tea Room,
I haven't thought about you in a really, really long time; but I'm very sad to know that I can't bring Emma to have tea there. I was very young when I went with my mom, but I do still remember it (albeit vaguely). Sad that I don't get to share that experience with my daughter. Anyone know of a good tea room around here?

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