Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Wednesday: Where was I? 12 years ago

I wasn't sure I even wanted to write about this - like I'm jumping on the "Remembering 9-11" bandwagon with everyone else. But this is the anniversary of the day the lives of Americans changed forever.

On that fateful day, I was working at a local TV station in Noblesville: the weirdest, most terrible job I've ever had. (Let's just say I worked there for a month and left because the owners were crazy. Plus I never got a paycheck. It was an odd situation. But I digress.)

The camera guy and I were watching the coverage on the tiny TV in the studio, in complete shock. I think we actually watched as the second tower got hit. Then the bosses let us go home to be with our families. (Possibly the only decent thing they ever did. Again I digress.)

The rest of the day is a blur.

So that's where I was 12 years ago today.

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