Or is that just me? I was at Emma's school yesterday helping out, and then afterward Emma and I went to get haircuts. Homework got done later than normal, but no biggie. Or so I thought.
This morning, I was praying with Emma before the bus came (we do that every morning), and I prayed for her to do well on her spelling test. It dawned on me right then that we hadn't finished her spelling practice worksheet (that I have to sign to say she did the items). We ran in and she did it verbally and I put the signed paper in her bag. Got her on the bus and I came inside.
I put in a load of laundry and came upstairs to do my Bible study. Right as I got started, I realized I'd forgotten to remind Emma to take her almost-finished-and-due-tomorrow library book with her so she could read on the bus. D'oh!
I finished my Bible study and then took Emma's book down to the school so she would at least have it on the bus ride home, and maybe she could read it a little if she had some free reading time during the day.
I felt so discombobulated this morning. Luckily things have turned around since then. But geez.
2. I find it easier to remember things if I make
And then I like to cross off each item after I do it. It makes me feel like I've really accomplished something. I even cross off the stuff on my grocery list as I shop.
3. I had a third thought, but I forgot what it was.
It happens to the best of us.
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