Dear s'mores bars,
You were delicious and popular. I will make you again, but I will do it earlier in the day next time.
Dear coloring contest,
Emma was at MIL and FIL's house after spending the night with her cousins, so I went to the event to see if she won. She won first place for her age group! So I got my photo taken with the other winners for the newspaper. We were all about the same height, so I didn't look too out of place. LOL
Dear family party,
I had a BLAST again this year! I even got up enough nerve to sing a song on karaoke. Pat Benatar's "Hit Me with Your Best Shot." I think it went well, according to the feedback I got. And Miss Emma sang karaoke THREE times! She sang with her sweet cousins Audrey and Tori. Precious!
Dear caring for a sick kiddo,
It's the WORST to have a child be sick and not be able to help and make her feel better. Emma woke up vomiting in the middle of the night Saturday after the family party. Big Daddy took the first shift and stayed awake to tend to her while I got a little rest - I dozed on and off, but it wasn't entirely restful sleep. As I type I am watching Cinderella while Emma is sacked out on the couch and Big Daddy and Norbert are asleep upstairs.
Dear parade,
Missing you this year. I'm sad about it, but a healthy kiddo is much more important than a parade.
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