Thursday, November 14, 2013

3 Thoughts Thursday: Little-known facts

There's this game going around on Facebook where people are given a number and are supposed to tell that many little-known facts about themselves. Since today is 3 Thoughts Thursday, I gave myself the number 3 and will play along; after which I henceforth absolve myself from further participation in said game.

1. I almost died in a car accident when I was 16. And a few months later, I was in another car accident at the same intersection (walked away unscathed that time).

2. I love office supplies and could spend hours looking around in an office supply store.

3. The spelling of my name, J-A-I-M-E, came from Jaime Sommers, the Bionic Woman. My name also means "I love" in French (j'aime).

1 comment:

Amy Cornwell said...

We should have a Staples date sometime ;)