Saturday, May 7, 2011


You know what they say: The family who does graffiti together stays together.

Or something like that.

After dinner on Thursday evening, Chris, Emma, Norbert, and I went for a walk around our end of the neighborhood. And since the weather was so nice, after we got back home, we brought out the sidewalk chalk and decorated not only our driveway but also our house and the brick pillars out by the road.

 She wrote "Daddy poops," then Chris put "EMMA" above it. Thanks for teaching her to spell that word, Daddy!
 My two favorite graffiti artists tagging our house.
 Norbert even joined in on the fun. He didn't even lay on the chalk this time.
 Chris did the "LOOK BOTH WAYS," and Emma added her own flair.
This was a contribution of my own.
Emma even drew a portrait of Norbert. Pretty good likeness, don't you think?

It was so nice to be outside as a family. I'm such a lucky girl to have such a great family!

1 comment:

Gergs said...

The drawing of Norbert was really good!