Monday, August 15, 2011

Mommy freak-out

So I'm running behind on the Get to Know Your Camera series, but I do plan on doing the assignments at some point. Right now I have other things on my mind, like how Emma is starting Kindergarten IN TWO DAYS. I am both super excited and super nervous at the same time.

I'm excited because she loves school. I always loved school, too. I'm excited because I know how well she's going to do in school. She listens and follows direction well, and she loves to learn. She's going to have so much fun.

I'm nervous because this is a whole new experience. I've never had a kindergartner before. I've never put my child on the bus and watched her drive away, heading to experience something of which I don't get to be a part. Speaking of the bus, I don't know what time it gets here (we're going to get up early tomorrow so we can see when the bus comes), nor do I know the route or who the driver is. I'm sure he's very nice and a great driver, but still.

I'm a bit sad that my baby's growing up, but mostly I'm so excited for her. I think the thing I'm looking forward to most is watching Emma get off the bus on Wednesday and hearing all about her day.

But I will cry as the bus leaves. And that's okay.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Get to Know Your Camera - Week 3

Summer Photography Series at 5 Minutes for Mom

New week, new camera challenge. This time it was dealing with Aperture. I'm still a bit confused about aperture, but I did my best. With my camera set to the A priority mode, here's what I took:

This was the first one I took...

While I really like this one, the background is not blurry like it's supposed to be. Still a cute pic, though. :)

I think this one is the best one. The background is nice and blurry and everything.

I don't think I could ask for a better model, even though she gets bored somewhat quickly. And it was SUPER hot outside today. But she really does like posing for the camera, so it's not like I'm pulling teeth or anything.

Looking forward to the next challenge!