Sunday, January 20, 2008

Sit down ... good girl

Tonight was the second Gymboree-sponsored date night. We dropped off Emma and went to see the movie Juno. It was fantastic. Excellent film. I highly recommend it. After the movie, we stopped and picked up food at Cupid's Hot Dogs and took it to go, as we had to pick up Emma.

She had a great time. Stuck by her buddy, Kendyl, the entire time. She loves Kendyl so much. After we picked her up, she kept saying, "Kendyl Kendyl Kendyl Kendyl!" So funny. She keeps saying "up-ee-down" and "side-a-side." They must have sung the Gymbo song at least once while she was there, as those things are in the song. She had me sing it for her a few times after we got home.

When we got home, we sat down in our chairs to quickly eat our dinners before putting Emma to bed. She rushed out of the room into the kitchen and hurried to the corner by the pantry, which is her normal pooping spot. We asked if she was pooping, and she said no. Normally, if you try to go into the kitchen when she's doing her business she'll say, "Bye-bye!" Or maybe, "Sowwy, sowwy (sorry, sorry)!" So I got up from my chair and said I was coming in there. She said, "Sit down!" So I walked back to my chair and sat. She could see me from her spot, and right after I sat down she said, "Good girl." It was hilarious. Chris and I laughed so hard.

That's all for now. More later.

Always remember: When the trash can is full, just take out the trash. Good girl.


chrisheacock said...

Always remember: Pooping is serious business.

Emma rules so much. :-)

chrisheacock said...

Also, I just noticed your picture. Whatever is behind your head in that photo kind of looks like a headrest, and the aywa your standing/sitting kind of looks like you're leaning back, ever so slightly. At first glance, it looks like you're in a Stephen-Hawking-style wheelchair. Maybe it's just me...