Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Smartest. Baby. Ever.

Emma is, in fact, the smartest baby who ever lived. Too smart for her own good sometimes, of course, but brilliant nonetheless. She catches onto new ideas extremely quickly, and she retains things she's just learned equally as quickly. And her memory? She forgets nothing.

The other day she and I were riding in the car, where I have a CD holder that fits on my visor which holds 10-12 discs. Emma seems to know what each one is by color and order (which doesn't change), because she requested a new CD the other day and as I pointed at the 3rd one from the left (The Beatles "Love" album), she said yes. "The Beatles," she said, "Bee song." (*The song "Here Comes the Sun" plays at the end of the Bee Movie.*) How does she remember that the yellow CD in the third spot is The Beatles and has that song on it? Heck, I don't even remember that sometimes.

Her favorite book right now is "The Giving Tree". She likes us to read it to her, but she also likes to "read" it to us. It's the cutest thing ever. Here is a video of her reading to us before bed the other night, and here is the outline of the story so you know what's happening in the story (unless you have the book and can read along). Don't forget to turn up the sound ... she has a tiny voice.

There are many more instances of Emma's brilliance, but you get the idea.

That's all for now. More later.

Always remember: It's the smart kids now that will rule the world when we're old.


theroyers said...

Man, and she's a speed reader, too! Look at her fly through those pages!! ;-)

chrisheacock said...

She will have a job writing Cliff's Notes for kid's books very soon. :-P