Friday, September 13, 2013

Freestyle Friday: Bridging

I am helping lead Emma's Daisy/Brownie troop this year.  They were all Daisies last year; but this year some of the girls are in 2nd grade, meaning they bridge up to Brownies.  We held an official bridging ceremony tonight, with a celebratory campfire (and obligatory s'mores) afterward.  It was wonderful.
The bridge - the bridging Brownies drew pictures about things they like about Girl Scouts, and we displayed them.
First we had the girls (we had both Brownies and Daisies from the troop there) line up and say the Girl Scout Promise.

Then each bridging Brownie read a few lines from the Girl Scout Law and "bridged" to officially become Brownies. They received a brown ribbon sash, a certificate, a bridging patch, and a gift from the Daisies. At our meeting this week, the Daisies made pretty beaded bracelets for the older girls. It was very cute.
Emma wore the Brownie uniform that belonged to her Mamaw Peggy (my mom) as a young Brownie. Isn't that so sweet?
Here is a sweet photo of all 3 of our new Brownies:

After the ceremony, the girls roasted marshmallows and made s'mores with brownies instead of Hershey bars. I didn't try one, but one of the dads said it was even better with brownies than with Hershey bars.

We were really pleased with how the event turned out.

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