Thursday, December 13, 2007

Christmas photo blog

Now that all intended recipients have received their purchased-by-us Christmas photos, I feel I can share them with you all here. Didn't want to give away the surprise of how good they turned out, nor did I want people to download them and print them on their own before they got the ones we bought for them.

So, without further ado, here are some of my favorites from this year's batch of family Christmas photos:

Cute, right? Here is the link to all of them. We got them taken at Sears Photo Studio. They do a really nice job there.

Last night I boxed up most of our Christmas gifts to family/friends, and Emma and I took them to Postal Connections this morning. They are on their way to their destinations even as we speak, and I'm $90 lighter than I was this morning. Holy cow, it's expensive. It would have been more had I not boxed them up myself. We still have a few gifts left here, as I'm still waiting on one to arrive in the mail (should be here any day now), and I need one more small box for another gift. But having the majority of the gifts out of here is really nice.

This Saturday we are attending a holiday party with lots of Emma's friends from Gymboree. Doing a gift exchange with the kids. We drew names, so it'll be fun to see what people got the kids. Plus it's fun to see them all play together. I'll have pictures for you soon. :)

That's all for now. More later.

Always remember: Getting the right gift isn't the main thing; it's getting that right gift in the mail in time that's what is important. And expensive.


Rumple Family said...

Very cute pictures!!

Gergs said...

Chris has a devious look about him.....hmmmm.....great pics!