Sunday, December 16, 2007

Kid parties are fun

We went to the holiday party yesterday afternoon. We had a lot of fun, and Emma got a couple of great gifts from her secret Santa, who actually turned out to be her friend who shares a birthday with her (Emma's one year older than she is). Here are some photos of the party:

The kids painted ornaments and decorated cookies, which was nerve wracking, to say the least, but it was a lot of fun. Several people couldn't attend the party, but it was still a good time. Here are all the photos I took.

This afternoon Emma threw up her entire lunch in my new chair. I guess she's trying to help me break it in. Anyway, she hasn't been able to keep anything down all afternoon, but after her last bout of the pukes (which was just the milk I'd given her, since that was all she had in there) I've just let her have water. She seems to be feeling better, but I'm not taking any chances. So we're going to give her only water until the morning then see how it goes. Wish us luck.

That's all for now. More later.

Always remember: They may look small, but puking toddlers can make big messes.

1 comment:

Gergs said...

I can't believe your little girl is growing up so fast! We sure do miss you all out here in the midwest. We're getting ready to move to Ohio on the 28th. We'll keep in touch.....