Monday, March 7, 2011


I took photos for some friends at their daughters' birthday party yesterday. And tonight I'm taking photos during all the dance classes at church. I'm really getting into taking photos. I'm sure I have tons to learn about the proper way to compose a great photo; but our Nikon D40x makes taking good pictures so easy. (Do I sound like a commercial, or what?)

Here are just a couple of the 200+ pictures I took last night at the party...

How sweet is that last photo? It's so fun to be able to catch sweet moments with the camera.

And funny moments.

And action-packed moments.

I also like to try to take artsy photos sometimes. I actually took these with the point-and-shoot camera I always carry in my purse, then I futzed with the colors in Photoshop.

I took those at my grandparents' farm house not long before it was sold. I also made a black and white version of the chicken coop photo. I like black and white photos.

Maybe I should be a photographer. Or maybe I should just stick to taking pictures for fun and leave photography to the professionals.

1 comment:

Michele Mathews said...

Your photos are great. My dream camera is the Nikon D3100, a fairly new camera. I miss my Nikon film camera (I do still have it for sentimental reasons; it went to England and back with me during my senior year's spring break with Mr. Cline) so I look forward to owning my first Nikon digital. Check out "How to Photograph your Baby" on Facebook. The guy who does the page really knows his photography. He did a video for our Creative Memories regional last year. Awesome to listen to him! I even found his book "How to Photograph Your Life" on Amazon for cheap. Fun book!