Monday, March 14, 2011

Creativity is cool

What comes to mind when you think of the word "creative"? I think, for most people, the word creative describes someone who is artistic. I know that's what I usually mean when I call someone creative.

A friend of mine called me creative recently because of the baby shower invitations I made for her and another idea I had for something she was wanting to make to go along with them. Here are some photos of the items I made (I am really pleased with the way they turned out and honestly just wanted to share them with you all)...

After I told her my idea, she said, "Wish I was this creative." So I was pondering that today, and I've decided that there are many ways a person can be creative besides just being "artistic."

  • A teacher who comes up with interesting, fun ways to teach which makes their students excited to learn.
  • A cook who tweaks a recipe - or comes up with his/her own recipe - that turns out delicious. Or even if it doesn't turn out, trying something outside of the box is creative.
  • A woman who picks out fabulous outfits and enhances them with great jewelry pieces.
  • A child with an active, vibrant imagination.

Those are just a few examples of creativity. What do you think? What do you find creative?


amycornwell said...

Creative to me is being able to make something with your hands, whatever that might be. That could be something tangible, something digital, something musical. (love the cards too)

Unknown said...

When I think of the admirable attribute of being creative, the words that come to mind to me are inventive & purposeful.