Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Swim class

Emma had her first swim lesson today. We were supposed to work on the basics - blowing bubbles in the water, kicking her feet, etc. - which she already does. So our goal was to get her comfortable enough to let me hold her waist and to kick her feet and move her arms at the same time. It's 0-depth entry at the pool, so I had her lay on her tummy at the very shallow part and practice kicking and moving her arms there. I told her she had to let me hold her and show me how she can swim one time in the deeper water (probably 1 1/2 feet or so) before we left. She did it for me one time, and I was so proud. :)

We have another class this Thursday, then classes next Tuesday and Thursday. The next session we do (2 days a week for 2 weeks) starts Aug. 12. I believe they're the same classes, but at least we can work on the same stuff every time in the same format, and maybe she'll get really comfortable with it. I'd love to have her get comfortable enough to float, but we'll see.

I got a new bathing suit yesterday. I'm very happy with it, for a change, but the whole trying-on process stinks. Who likes bathing suit shopping? It's awful. I probably tried on 15 suits altogether. UGH. But I ended up getting my suit at Macy's on sale. Still paid a pretty penny for it, but I COULD HAVE paid more. I'm sure a picture will be taken of me in the suit at some point, but I don't have one yet. I'd never have one, if it was up to me. Here is the suit. Mine is brown with blue hem accents. I love it. And I never, ever thought I'd say that about a bathing suit (or "babing suit," as Emma calls them).

That's all for now. More later.

Call me crazy, but: I think the only thing worse than bathing suit shopping is bra shopping. Am I right, ladies?


chrisheacock said...

It really is a nice "babing" suit. lol

Julie said...

Oh God, Yes.

I bought an Isaak Mizerahi (totally jacked up that spelling) one at Target the other day. A tankini that is cute...but made my thighs look HIDEOUS.

Oh well. Cute babing suite you got. I'm sure you'll use it more than I will!

Rumple Family said...

Very cute! I never thought I would find a suit that I could say I "loved" but I did. Although I did pay a pretty penny for it too at Land's End!