Saturday, July 12, 2008

The swing

Getting back into the swing of things after vacation is always difficult. We got home on Tuesday evening, and tonight (Friday) was the first time I actually made dinner. I didn't even want to tonight, either; but Chris wasn't interested in getting back out, and honestly we don't need to be spending money on eating out every day, nor do we need to be eating that much more fast food. I've gained enough weight as it is. But I digress.

So here I am, trying to get back to blogging regularly.

Emma went to dance class yesterday (Thursday). It was the first class of the new session. She did so well. She didn't cry at all, and she participated like a big girl. I took lots of video - which hasn't been uploaded to Google Video yet but will be eventually - since I'm an idiot and couldn't figure out how to turn off the stupid flash even though the button was right in front of my face. Again I digress.

Got a letter yesterday from a high school friend. We exchanged addresses a few months ago and promised to send each other mail from time to time, as it's nice to receive any mail that's not a bill or junk mail these days. She wrote the letter on lined paper. It made me smile. I returned the favor and wrote her a letter on lined paper, and I even folded it like I used to fold notes in high school. For old times' sake. A little nostalgia is always fun.

That's all for now. More later.

Call me crazy, but: There should be a "do not call" list for junk mail.

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