Sunday, August 24, 2008

Game show

I can't go into details about my day today (for legal reasons), but I spent the day waiting in a freezing cold room with no windows and with 5 other women to film for a game show. There were 6 of us total, and they were filming 5 shows today. After arriving at 7:15 a.m. and waiting all day in the room - with no cell phones, since they took them away from us when we got there - I found out around 6:00 p.m. or so that I was not going to film today and will need to come back at 7:15 a.m. Wednesday morning to film then. Then I had to wait for another hour or so until I could leave the premises. UGH. Talk about frustrating.

Exciting news about the show, though. Richard Karn (Al Borland from "Home Improvement") is the new host, so I'll get to meet him! :)

So anyway, that was my day. I got up and left before Emma woke up, and I almost didn't make it home before she went to bed. But she got to spend a fun day with Daddy, and I hear they had a great time. I'm glad for that.

That's all for now. More later.

Call me crazy, but: Being sequestered in a room with only a few other people is probably a little taste of what it's like in hell.

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