Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I don't have anything to talk about today, but I wanted to check in and say hello. Emma got a haircut the other day. We (the stylist and I) decided the best course of action to attempt to counteract her two serious cowlicks is to try to grow it out. So she trimmed it all over to help it get healthy, and now hopefully it will get growing. It looks cute on her. Trying to pull it back more to train the top part to start laying down instead of coming forward like a bad comb-over. Pulling it back makes Emma look older, I think.

We start another swim class next week. Should be fun, and it's always a good reason to go to the pool, even for a little bit.

A friend of mine went to Comic-Con, which was recently held in San Diego. She was on the train with her husband and son (Emma's friend, Soren), and it turned out the entire cast of Heroes was on the train, too! She got to see them all! She was so excited. What a lucky day! I would have died.

That's all for now. More later.

Call me crazy, but: It's a sad day when paying $4.09 for gas sounds cheap.


Little Bishops said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I would have LOVED to have been on that train!!

Rumple Family said...

I know what you mean - I got excited about paying $3.55 the other day - when we first starting driving I think it was like $1.89 or something. I would have died on the train with the entire Heroes cast - I LOVE that show!!