Monday, June 23, 2008

A new leaf

OK, so I'm going to try something new. I'm going to try blogging more. Honestly, I enjoy blogging because I get to write a little. Yes, I was one of those nerds in school who liked writing and English and grammar. I was in Spell Bowl for four years in high school, for goodness sake. If that doesn't say N-E-R-D, I don't know what does. I think the only problem I'm going to run into with blogging more is that I'm going to have to come up with more "Always remembers" at the end of my blogs. If it gets too difficult, I may have to change my blog-end format. I'm open to any and all suggestions...

I've decided to grow out my hair to donate to Locks of Love. I have been growing it out because I missed it being long; but Chris and I were talking yesterday, and as he's already grown out his hair and donated it twice, I figure I could do the same. I think he's considering doing it again, but don't quote me on that. I just want mine to be long enough that when I get it cut to donate, it's still long enough to put in a ponytail. Can't live without the ponytail.

We tried out a new church today, NorthPark Community Church. Really liked the music and the preaching, and the atmosphere in service was very organic and relaxed. Conversely, it was a little crazy and seemingly disorganized with the children's area, so next week we're going to go to the information desk and see what the protocol is for all that. That was my only concern. But Emma didn't seem to have too much of a problem with it. We didn't get paged to come get her, so that counts for something, right?

The church is actually being held right now in a strip mall. They're building a new campus on the other side of town, behind the Wal-Mart we go to. Neither location (neither the current one nor the new one) is very far from our place, which is great. So part of the confusion and chaos today stemmed from the fact that the space inside the place is rather limited, plus it's apparently a VERY popular church.

That's all for now. More later.

Always remember: Hair can always grow back.........unless you're bald.

1 comment:

chrisheacock said...

Good for you on the more blogging decision. I wish I could bring myself to do it, but I'm far too lazy ... or am I?
