Monday, June 23, 2008

Wall writing and applemelon

I was in my bathroom this morning, and I heard something that sounded like something scraping on the wall. Emma came trucking in, carrying a pencil. I asked her if she wrote on the wall, and she said no. I asked if there was writing on the wall, and she said no. I asked if I went out in the hallway I would see pencil on the wall, and she said no. So we went out there, and lo and behold, there were pencil marks on the wall. Hmm.

I got it off the wall with an eraser that didn't leave smudges, which is good. I should have taken a picture of the first offense, but I didn't think to. I'm sure there will be a next time, so I'll do it then. *sigh*

I was hoping to get to Wal-Mart this morning then go to Trader Joe's. I pulled into the Wal-Mart parking lot, and Emma was freaking out, saying she wanted to go to TRADER Joe's (the always puts the emphasis on the first word) to get applemelon (what she calls watermelon). So we turned around and headed toward Joe's, since I didn't really feel like fighting with her about it all through Wal-Mart.

So she got her precious applemelon, and the cashier guy gave her a TON of stickers. She was in toddler heaven.

That's all for now. More later.

Always remember: While some murals are artistic and lovely, others are unwanted and unwelcome.

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