Friday, January 28, 2011


I don't know where I came up with this idea, but it almost always works on Emma.  When I'm doing something and need her to help with or do something at the same time, I tell her I have a challenge for her.  When she accepts my challenge, we shake on it to make it official.

This morning I was getting ready after my shower, and I wanted Emma to change her clothes while I dried my hair.  It snowed a bit last night, and I wanted to be sure we left enough time to get to school ~ just in case I had to make multiple attempts to get out of the driveway. (I ended up making it on the first try, by the way. Yay me.)

I asked Emma if she would like to accept my challenge: take off her jammies, pick out her own outfit, and put it on.  She said she could do it, and we shook on it.  I dried my hair, and then I went in Emma's room to see how she did.  Here's the end result (photo taken after school):

Success!  She did a great job, and it really helped me out to have her get ready herself this morning.  Usually, I love picking out clothes for her to wear (while she still lets me... she's my own little live dress-up doll); but it is really fun to let her choose for herself and see what she comes up with.

(FYI, her favorite color is orange.  That's why she has a UT t-shirt.  I got it for her when I went to Knoxville to my cousin's wedding reception.  She would have DIED seeing all the orange down there!)

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