Thursday, January 20, 2011


There's nothing quite as lovely as a fresh blanket of undisturbed snow.  And who doesn't love seeing a cute snowman waving at you from someone's yard?

A few issues I have with snow, though...

It ruins plans.  Emma loves school, but all these 2-hour delays and snow days have caused her school to be cancelled several times already this year.  She won't get to go tomorrow ~ the day her awesome teacher was going to let the kids finger paint with pudding.  That was the first thing she told me on Wednesday when I picked her up from school.

Snow also makes it very difficult for me to get out of the house.  Our driveway is a big hill, with our garage at the bottom and the street at the top.  I've gotten stuck in my driveway before, and it was not fun.  Emma didn't like it much, either.  At least now I know how to turn off Traction Control in my car and have a chance at getting out.

People drive like idiots when it snows.  Either they think they're invincible because they have 4-wheel drive and go way too fast or they crawl along at a snail's pace, braking every few seconds or so just in case.  Both sets of people frustrate me.

And how gross is it when the pretty white snow gets all slushy and gray and dirty?  And the disgusting film that coats your vehicle after driving around in the salted/sanded streets?  Yuck.

Even though, as I get older, I get more annoyed with snow than excited about it, it's still fun to watch Emma enjoy it:

And that's what counts.

1 comment:

Peggy Holzworth said...

I love reading your thoughts about this & that! Mom