Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Long time no see!

I haven't blogged in over a year. And I used to blog a lot apparently, as the dashboard said I had 75 blogs on this account. Is it weird that I don't even remember all those?

I don't know what made me want to blog today, but I felt like it. I'm trying to come up with some clever thing to make people actually want to read my blog. Here are a couple ideas I had - and why they won't work:

1. Craft blog - I attempted to do one about my card making. It didn't last long; and while I haven't given up on making cards, I've realized it's not going to turn into the thriving business I had hoped it would. Plus there are people out there who are WAY more crafty than me (I'm looking at you, Amy Cornwell).

2. Mom blog - I'm just a regular mom doing regular mom things. I don't have any brilliant innovations or ideas about how to make parenting easier or whatever. Of course, I do have a super great kiddo...

Maybe I'll just talk about whatever is on my mind on any given day. An online journal, of sorts. I don't know who will really care to read that stuff, but we'll see.

If you're reading this, you probably know me and know what kind of stuff I'm into. Do you have an idea of something you'd like me to talk about it my blogs? I'm feeling ambitious about this pursuit into blog-dom. Today I am, at least.


amycornwell said...

Quit looking at me! :)

Jaime said...

I really LOL'd at that.

Ronda said...

I say blog about whatever is on your heart; and remember, if God's leading your heart, you can not go wrong! The right person might just need to hear what you have to say!! You know the saying "To the World you are just one person, BUT to one person, YOU might just be the world!!!" Good Luck, and I will definitely keep tuned into your blog ;o)

Jamie Bishop said...

I think you should blog and you should just write about whatever comes to mind. That's what I do. There are different "memes" you can participate in to draw people into your blog...I really like Mama Kat's writer's the very least, it gives you a guided topic to write about once/week. Plus, her blog is absolutely hilarious! :-)

Miranda said...

Jaime, I really like the idea of a random blog. I like the idea of opening yours up and not knowing what to expect! You keep blogging sister and I will keep reading! :)

Diana Moran said...

A To Do list! What you want to accomplish in one month. I'm going to try that. With my ideas on my ministries, family, household goals home and at church. Just a thought for you.