I thought I'd let you all know what kind of music Emma and I listen to in the car these days. I have one of those visor CD holders, and Emma knows what order they're in. It's really funny. We've got a fairly eclectic mix of music up there.
1. Flo Rida, '
Mail on Sunday' (Emma likes song #5, "Low". She calls the CD "Low Low Low".)
2. Avril Lavigne, '
The Best Damn Thing' (Emma loves the upbeat songs, especially #1, "Girlfriend". She calls this CD the pink one.)
3. Maroon 5, '
Songs about Jane' (Emma refers to this CD as "Mommy music".)
4. The Beatles, '
Love' (Emma loves The Beatles. She knows what songs are coming up next when we listen to the CD, which is crazy. Her favorite two songs are "Hey Jude" and "Here Comes the Sun" - where she still says "it's so nice" instead of "it's all right". She says she wants to hear Beatles when requesting this CD.)
5. The Best of '80s Pop, '
Party Songs' (You've gotta love '80s music. Emma's favorite is #2, "Love Shack" ... she likes the part where they say, "jukebox money". She calls the CD "Love Chack".)
6. Veggie Tales, '
Worship Songs' (It's Bob and Larry leading a kids' choir, which includes Junior Asparagus, through some popular worship songs. Emma loves the "Secret Place song". She calls the CD "Veggie Tales.")
7. Putumayo Kids presents '
New Orleans Playground' (Emma loves these. Sounds like we're at Mardi Gras when we play this CD. She calls this one the red one.)
8. Putumayo Kids presents '
Animal Playground' (This is a bunch of songs from around the world about animals. I think Emma's favorite is "L'Otorhinoceros", which is a French song about a rhinoceros. She calls this the green one.)
9. Sesame Street, '
Kids' Favorite Songs' (Emma loves this one. One of the funniest parts is in the song "John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt" where Elmo says maybe he can say it without laughing and tries to say it, starts laughing and says, "Not!" LOL The CD was put out in 1997, apparently when that saying was still in fashion. When she wants to hear it, she asks for Big Bird, since he's the first voice you hear on the CD.)
10. Songs Kids Love to Sing, '
Toddler Songs' (This has a ton of fun kid songs. Emma's favorites are "The Wheels on the Bus" ["Wee Bus" as she calls it], "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" ["Itsy Spider"] and "Hokey Pokey" ["Pokey Pokey"]. This is the yellow one.)
11. Greg and Steve, '
Kids in Motion' (This includes one of the songs Emma loved at Gymboree, "The Freeze". When she freezes, she still puts her hands on her head, since that's what they taught the kids to do at Gymboree. We don't listen to this one as much anymore, now that we don't go to Gymboree.)
12. They Might be Giants, '
Here Come the ABCs' (My friend Jenn told me about this CD. I like it, but Emma doesn't watch the show on which they do these songs. I think it's on a Disney show. Needless to say, we don't listen to this CD much.)
13. Go Fish, '
Snazzy' (These are the guys we saw in concert at Grace. Emma loved them. She loves this CD. Plus she's so cute when she says "Snazzy" when she wants to hear it.)
That's all for now. More later.
Call me crazy, but: Could the contestants on American Gladiators BE any more annoying when they get all bragadocious before the events?